Editor's Page | | 4 |
Title | Author | pg |
The Influence of Francis Fauquier, William Small, and George Wythe on Thomas Jefferson | By Daniel Dean Roland | 5 |
Re-Evaluating Roeber: Change and Stability in Virginia Legal Culture, 1776-1810 | By J. Thomas Wren | 14 |
Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane and the Southern Campaign to New Orleans, 1814-1815 | By William Abbot Henderson | 24 |
The 1987 Kenneth R. Wesson Award | | |
Nativism in the Old South: Know-Nothingism in Antebellum South Carolina | By James Marchio | 39 |
Identifying the Antebellum Southern Poor White: A Preliminary Study of Sources and Methods. | By Christopher S. Johnson | 54 |
Appomattox Court House Revisited. | By Henry E. Mattox and Robert W. Mattox | 64 |
Bill Arp and the New South: The Misreading of a Homely Philosopher. | By David B. Parker | 74 |
A Survey of Southern History. | By James L. Hunt and John Morgan Dederer | 82 |
| | |
Author(s)/Title | Reviewer | pg |
McCusker and Menard, Economy of British North America | by Rebecca K. Starr | 93 |
Rutman and Rutman. A Plane in Time | By Jack D. Warren | 94 |
Salmon, Women and the Law | by Gail S. Terry | 95 |
Galenson, Traders, Plantars | by Nicole Etcheson | 96 |
Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves | by Lance A. Betros | 96 |
Breen, Tobacco Culture | by Mary Jane Brazy | 97 |
Van Horne, Religious Philanthropy | by Christopher Neil Fritsch | 98 |
Weir, American Freemen | by Mark Thompson | 99 |
Cashin, Colonial Augusta | by Mark A. Mastromarino | 100 |
Nash, Race, Class | by Lauren L. Butler | 101 |
Ogden, American Housewife | by Janet L. Coryell | 102 |
Searcy, Georgia-Florida | by Holly A. Mayer | 103 |
Hyneman and Lutz. Political Writing | by Staff | 104 |
Higginbotham. George Washington | by Staff | 104 |
Henri, Southern Indians, and Prucha, Indians | by Alexander Moore | 104 |
Coker and Watson. Indian Trader | by Louis Smith | 105 |
Riley. Magazines. and Riley, Index, | by Staff | 106 |
O'Brien and Moltke-Hansen. Intellectual Life, and O'Brien, Hugh Legare | by Dale R. Prentiss | 107 |
Clark, American Family Home | by Daniel R. Campbell | 108 |
Greenberg, Masters and Statesmen | by Mark S. Schantz | 109 |
Platt, City Building | by William J. Conroy | 110 |
Amos, Cotton City | by Mark D. Zimmerman | 111 |
Jones, Amistad | by Harold E. Mahan | 112 |
Cooper, et al. , A Master's Due | by Alice E. Regan | 113 |
Wyatt-Brown, Yankee Saints | by C. David Dalton | 113 |
Taylor and Crandall, Generations | by Staff | 114 |
Abbot, Republican Party | by Anthony G. Carey | 114 |
Lancaster and Lancaster, Civil War Diary | by Staff | 115 |
Wheeler, Sword Over Richmond | by Robert Maberry, Jr | 115 |
Beringer, et al., Why the South Lost | by Earl J. Hess | 116 |
Mohr, On the Threshold | by R.L. Reid | 117 |
Cornish and Laas, Lincoln `s Lee | by Staff | 118 |
Ballard, A Long Shadow | by Brooks D. Simpson | 118 |
Richardson, Christian Reconstruction | by Susan Hamburger | 119 |
Janiewski, Sisterhood Denied | by Mary Ann F. Williamson | 119 |
Dyson, Farmers Organizations | by Staff | 120 |
Franklin, George Washington Williams | by Tully Hunter | 120 |
Sweeney, Women in Southern Literature, and Seidel, Southern Belle | by Thomas Alan Holmes | 121 |
Kirby, Rural Worlds, and Thomason, Trying Times | by Lee R. McCarley | 122 |
Kneebone, Liberal Journalism | by Tony Stanley Cook | 123 |
Morgan, Redneck Liberal | by Paul R. Grass | 124 |
Blakey, Hard Times, and Olson, Dictionary | by D.F. Shapinsky | 125 |
Baker, Jesse Owens | by John E. Borsos | 127 |
Grafton and Permaloff, Big Mules, and Sims, Little Man's Big Friend | by Henry M. McKiven, Jr. | 128 |
Woodward, Thinking Back | by Richard C. Smoot | 129 |
Bradford, Remembering | by Edward L. White, III | 130 |
Rowe, Florida | by Janet McAdams | 130 |
Monti, Sem blance of Justice, and Pride and Woodward, Burden of Busing | by Bruce J. Schulman | 131 |
Hill, Celtic Warfare | by Brian S. Wills | 133 |
Sugden, Tecumseh | by William A. Sherrard | 134 |
Beede, Intervention | by Graeme J.L. Hall | 134 |
Haywood, Trails South | by Daniel Liestman | 135 |
Higham and Mrozek, A Guide | by Marlin G. Kime | 136 |
Klein, Jay Gould | by Dale R. Steinhauer | 137 |
Clayton, Grace | by William Bishel | 138 |
Smythe, Pershing | by Edward N. Lutz | 138 |
Paret, et al., Modern Strategy | by Richard F. Kehrberg | 139 |
Schaffer, Wings of Judgment | by Richard R. Muller | 140 |
Friedlander, et al., Women in Culture | by Pamela Tyler | 141 |
Cimprich, Slavery 's End | by Thomas W. Richey | 142 |
Harter, Lost Colony | by W. Michael Weis | 143 |