Title | Author | pg |
The 1990 Kenneth R. Wesson Award A Question of Security: The Confederacy's Policy in East Tennessee, 1861-1863 | Edward L. White III | 1 |
Beyond the Call of Duty: Representative John Sparkrnan of Alabama and World War II, 1939-1945 | Henry J. Walker Jr. | 24 |
Segregation in Charleston in The 1950's, A Decade of Transition. | William D. Smyth | 43 |
Author(s)/Title | Reviewer | pg |
Wynes, Charles Drew: the Man and the Myth | Joel W. Huffstetler | 82 |
Lyons, Two Sides of the Sunbelt: The Growing Divergence Between Rural and Urban South | G. Clifton Vanderpool | 82 |
Sewell, A House Divided: Sectionalism and the Civil War; 1848-1865 | Thomas Richey | 83 |
Miller and Smith, Dictionary of Afro-American Slavery | Wanda Hendricks | 84 |
Hall and James, An Uncertain Tradition: Constttutlonaltsm and the History of the South | Eva Semlen Baham | 84 |
Cashman, America in the Gilded Age: From the Death of Lincoln to the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt | Harold E. Mahan | 85 |
Vipperman, William Lowndes and the Transition of Southem Politics | Jean V. Berlin | 86 |
Kupperman, Captain John Smith. | Jean V. Berlin | 87 |
Faust, The Creation of Confederate Nationalism: Ideology and Identity In the Civil War South | J. Tracy Power | 88 |
Crist and Dix, The Papers of Jefferson Davis, Vol. 6: 1856-1860 | Richard F. Kehrberg | 88 |
Schopp, Alexandre Dumas: Genus of Life | Eva Semien Baham | 89 |
Smith, The Presidencies of Zachary Taylor & Millard Fillmore | Daniel Dean Roland | 90 |
Foster, Ghosts of the Confederacy: Defeat, Lost Cause, and the Emergence of the New South | Joel W. Huffstetler | 90 |
Grantham, The Life and Death of the Solid South: A Political History | John B. Murray | 91 |
Hess, Liberty, Virtue, and Progress: Northerners and Their War for the Union | Brooks D. Simpson | 93 |
Kohl, The Politics of Individualism: Parties and the American Character in the Jacksonian Era | Brooks D. Simpson | 93 |
Johannsen, The Frontier the Union, and Stephen A. Douglas | Daniel Dean Roland | 94 |
Nairne, Nairne's Muskhogean Journals: The 1708 Expedition to the Mississippi River | Richard F. Kehrberg | 95 |
Clark, Pills. Pettlooats, and Flows: The Southem Country Store, by Julia Grlfilth96 | Julia Griffith | 96 |
Newby. Plain Folk in the New South: Social Change and Cultural Persistence, 1880-1915 | Harold E. Mahan | 96 |
Rountree. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture | Mark A. Mastromarino | 98 |
Shackelford. George Wythe Randolph and the Confederate Elite | Edward L. White | 99 |
Wilson and Ferris, Encyclopedia of Southem Culture | Henry J. Walker, Jr | 100 |
Smith, The Yazoo River. | Chad Berry | 100 |